Installing cartr.:slide it all the way to front?

When installing Shelter 501 MC in Rega RB 600,should i slide it all the way towards the front of the shell or leave it somewhere in the middle?Does it really matter?Please,advise me on that.Thanx.

A way one might keep optimal Rega mount distance and align ala Baerwald may be to relegate any protractor that constrains to the dustbin. I suspect that the one size fits all approach to some protractors that are not arm specific might have their own proximation pitfalls built in.
The two null points for Regas are 60mm and 115mm from center spindle. With some oak tag and a compass, couldn’t you just make up your own? Using a little plane geometry, you can even come up with “squaring off” alignment boxes. Just a thought in the direction that I’d consider before changing the arm’s throw.
"There's no obvious visual spot at the pivot point on an RB600 so here's what I do: stick a small piece of Scotch tape on top of the arm tube, above the pivot point you just identified. Mark a dot above the pivot point with a pen. Swing the arm a couple of times to confirm the dot isn't moving. If the dot moves, change the position of the tape and try again. When the dot remains stationary you've marked the pivot point. Voila!"

Doug, Many thanks for this suggestion. Very much appreciated.

Glad that was helpful. Trying to measure/adjust the pivot point when you can't even see it is too tough for me!

Mario b,

IME Baerwald alignment cannot be attained with a Shelter cartridge on a Rega mounted at the standard 222mm. The stylus will not reach the null points. This is true of many cartridges, as explained on the instructions that come with most Rega/Baerwald protractors.

This is not a "flaw" of Baerwald protractors. It's a mathematical function that results from choosing a different alignment than the arm was designed for.

BTW, 60mm and 115mm are not the Baerwald-defined null points. You can use those points if you like, but you won't be following Baerwald's equations. The Baerwald null points are 66.0 and 120.9mm.

There is no reason to be nervous about changing your arm's mounting distance, especially on a table like Overhang's Gyro that's specifically designed for it. Deviating from Rega's specified 222mm to achieve a superior alignment has no down-side and no risk. Why would you be reluctant to do that?

One can certainly DIY one's own protractors of course, using any null point or null points one chooses. But a mirrored protractor like the TTB or Wally is more accurate for cantilever alignment than a piece of oak tag.
Dear Doug: +++++ " By comparison, the S&B's are bloated, rounded off and "tubey" sounding. " +++++

After several months finally you achieve to convincing that the step-up transformer is not the best way to go, better say: is not the way to go, for amplified the signal on a phono cartridge. Welcome aboard!!!!!!!!!!!

+++++ " Bad news: still plenty of "equalizers". " +++++

Like other things in the past sooner or latter you will be convince that any " equalizer " is not the way to go. We will see.

+++++ " Now where am I going to put two subs?) " +++++

You have to have. When that happen you will be really happy about.

Regards and enjoy the music.