Who mods the EAR 834P

Anyone know who upgrades this phono box?


You really owe it to yourself to contact Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound Co. His mod of this unit is amazing! Some NOS Mullard CV4004's and your of to the races. For what it's worth, I love mine...
I love mine as well. Agree with Gmele. Northern Sound mod, NOS CV404 and it will be state of the art.
You can also contact PartsConnexion. Chris Johnson is the founder and also former owner of Sonic Frontiers.

If it was my choice and I had the $, GNS first, PCX second, Mitch third, and Analog Room -- never.

Just my .02.
That's a little harsh on the Analog Room. They were recommended to me by Dan Meinwald of EAR USA and did a fantastic job on my 834P. Very quick, professional work, beautiful layout, beautiful sound. No complaints.