great vinyl sound cost as much as great cd sound


I have emmlabs dac and line preamp which is one of the best digital sources out there.

I was wondering if I wanted an analog vinyl source which rivals my digital system would it be equally costly.

At this point my vinyl budget would be limited to $2,500. Can I get a good phono preamp to connect to my line emmlabs preamp and a turntable for that amount and not find that my top of line cd source sounds far better.

If so what pairing of preamp phono and turntable would you recommend.

VPI scout and ? perhaps
Markd51 and Dgarretson, thank you for your shared experiences and thoughts on the topics.

I'm really enjoying the DL-103 right now. What are your thoughts as to an exceptional phono cable?
Thanks everyone for their input.

I am thinking of getting into vinyl because I thought it would complement my roughly 2200 cd collection.

I thought it would be fun to start collecting vinyl as I own none at this time.

I am leaning however against it for now. Mostly because of the high up front cost. I am sadly middle class and my digital rig set me back a very pretty penny so if I am looking at spending $10,000 to give my emmlabs a run for the money on the analog front that is just too much for now.

Hi Karma, I can wholeheartedly understand your viewpoints, and decisions, and I think you're 100% correct.

Sure, one could get a inexpensive rig to mess with, (Say for example a used VPI Jr, or such) but I'm strongly doubting that anything within these low price ranges will even barely touch the state of the art digital gear you are now so enjoying. (Do you sense a touch of jealousy from me? hee hee)

If you have an "Analog" buddy, maybe you can visit him/her from time to time, and get the bug out of your system? Perhaps in your personal case, you'll look back in time, and say "Gee, I'm glad I didn't buy a turntable". Mark
Hi James/All,
Today, surfing around the web, I came across another very interesting site that sells numerous analog "goodies", and this online dealer is called "Sleeve City".

Here, I browsed what they had as far as LP Sleeves, and they seemed to have a quite good selection of quality Inner, and Outer Sleeves, plus other items like LP Jackets, Cleaning Supplies etc, etc.

Their prices seemed very reasonable to me, and this might be a good place to check out for your Analog "needs".

While MucisDirect does carry a multitude of great products, and I've done countless thousands of dollars of business with them in the past 10 years I've known them, sometimes their "goodies" are a tad bit overpriced IMO.

Check this place out I mention. While I don't have the link handy, those interested at a peek should be able to find the site doing search with your browser.

I'm upset that you are giving up on the vinyl thing. I am not so sure you have to spend 10K or more to beat our emmlabs. Yet, I do know that a friend's set up which probably equalled around 10K easily beat the emmlabs on redbook.

It would be nice to see if you could do if for around 5K or less (TT/arm/cart/and phonostage -- say used) ... maybe just a dream of mine ???