Gain specs for Jolida JD-9A phono preamp

I'm considering this phono preamp, but I'm confused about the gain specifications. Here they are from Jolida's Web site:

MM: 70 dB, 5 mV
MC High: 85 dB, 0.5 mV – 1.5 mV
MC Low: 95 dB, 0.25 mV – 0.5 mV

Currently, I own a Shure V15 (3.5mv) and a Denon 103R (.2mv). I run the Shure at 40dB and the Denon at 60 dB with my Hagerman Bugle and that seems to be plenty of gain in both cases. The gain calculator at the KAB Web site returns figures very close to the ones I use now. Gain specs for most other phono pres are right in that same range.

So why are the gain numbers of the Jolida 30-35 dB higher? Do they use a different scale than other manufacturers? Is this unit designed to run directly into a power amp? It doesn't appear to have a volume control. Maybe a Jolida owner can enlighten me.

Well mine should arrive on Monday, but from what I can figure out is that there is NO volume control. SO running direct to an amp is out. The gain is higher than most, but I run a ZYX Yatra with a .24mv output so I am looking forward to what this preamp sounds like. One 'Goner I contacted about the pre said t was better than his Sonic Frontiers preamp, hmmm.

Once you get set up I'd love to know what gain setting you settle on. That, at least, gives one point of reference.

I'm also interested in the noise level of the Jolida, as the reason I'm looking is because my current Hagerman Bugle is pretty noisy at 60dB. Thanks for your help.
Well got the Jolida on Tues;)-~. Out of the box, I do not know how many hours are on the unit. NOS tubes is a no brainer, I am using some MatsuSHITa tubes. They are as forementioned. Some RF did appear with the stock tubes. The station deminished with some Redrollers low enough for my listening volumes. Others have not mentioned this problem though either. I will give more info later or just e-mail me direct with questions.
Armstrod, you can change the resistors to get your Bugle down to 50dB and add Lundhall SUTs. I'm not saying "don't buy the jolida", just that you can get that Bugle in gear for less.