Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI

I'm trading up to a VPI Super Scoutmaster Signature and need a shortlist of best cartridges to consider with it. I have an Ayre K-1xe preamp, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s with current version Transparent reference cables on an SRA craz rack. My tastes in music are wide: pop, rock, folk, jazz & classical. Collection includes a number of early pressing 50s and early 60s Mercury Living Presence and RCA Living Stereo, as well as some Jazz and Rock albums from same period.
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The new Clearaudio Maestro Wood works very well with the Scoutmaster. I just switched to a Maestro, having previously used the Virtuoso Wood, and am very pleased.
Interesting question. We seem to share many of the same tastes, both in equipment and music. I have an Aries with the JMW 10.5. The Graham Nightingale has proven to be an outstanding match with the arm. Unfortunately, a person or persons unknown bent the cantilever, so it's off to Japan for repair.

I have also recently ordered a Lyra Skala, which I'll receive in a couple of weeks. Should be a most interesting comparison. An audio buddy had one of the first Skalas imported into the US, and reports that in comparison with his Titan i, the Skala has a slightly warmer sound, while maintaining the best characteristics of the more expensive cartridge (i.e. he actually prefers the Skala). He's also quite familiar with my system, which includes the C-5xe by the way. Based on your stated goals, he strongly suggests that you consider the Skala. If you are interested, contact me by private mail and I can give you the name of an excellent dealer.
I am considering a cartridge upgrade for use in the Hadcock 242, which should be compatible with the same types of cartridges as the JMW 9. I have read favorable reviews of the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood. Can any one tell me the performance differeces between the Virtroso Wood and the Maestro Wood.
Dynavector 20X-H (for high output)
20X-L or Karet for low output

Although the Grado's sound nice too, if not quite as fast as the DV's (Sonata and up)

Thanks all for your addtional posts. The Maestro and the Skala bear consideration.

Curriemt11, the very same thing happened to my vintage Van den Hul cartridge on my Oracle Delphi MkII with ET-2 arm.

Anyone had any experience with the Dynavector XV-1S and VPI tables and arms?