Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI

I'm trading up to a VPI Super Scoutmaster Signature and need a shortlist of best cartridges to consider with it. I have an Ayre K-1xe preamp, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s with current version Transparent reference cables on an SRA craz rack. My tastes in music are wide: pop, rock, folk, jazz & classical. Collection includes a number of early pressing 50s and early 60s Mercury Living Presence and RCA Living Stereo, as well as some Jazz and Rock albums from same period.
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I am considering a cartridge upgrade for use in the Hadcock 242, which should be compatible with the same types of cartridges as the JMW 9. I have read favorable reviews of the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood. Can any one tell me the performance differeces between the Virtroso Wood and the Maestro Wood.
Dynavector 20X-H (for high output)
20X-L or Karet for low output

Although the Grado's sound nice too, if not quite as fast as the DV's (Sonata and up)

Thanks all for your addtional posts. The Maestro and the Skala bear consideration.

Curriemt11, the very same thing happened to my vintage Van den Hul cartridge on my Oracle Delphi MkII with ET-2 arm.

Anyone had any experience with the Dynavector XV-1S and VPI tables and arms?
I had a VPI JW19 and got great results with a Denon 103R some years back (RB300 arm by that time).

Hope this helps


I don't like to play games with people's heads, but I did own a Virtuos, and do own A Maestro Wood, and the midrange is just great. What ever is in the grooves will be reproduced. The Maestro Wood corrects the Virtuoso's flaws and adds improvements. The Van den Hul MC 10 Special is very good and exhibits details and tones so good it is unbelieveable.

If you get 25 people to give an opinion you'll get 25 different answers. Many people have mismatched equipment such as cables,preamps,amps and speakers. Also improper break can cause miss judgements. Improper allignment is an issue. Speaker placement and room acoustics are yet another issue. If you have a great table, tonearm,phono stage,preamp,& amp, then I suggest you spend the extra bucks and get a cartride at a level of no less quality. No point in buying a Ferrari and putting bald tires on it.