Interesting question. We seem to share many of the same tastes, both in equipment and music. I have an Aries with the JMW 10.5. The Graham Nightingale has proven to be an outstanding match with the arm. Unfortunately, a person or persons unknown bent the cantilever, so it's off to Japan for repair.
I have also recently ordered a Lyra Skala, which I'll receive in a couple of weeks. Should be a most interesting comparison. An audio buddy had one of the first Skalas imported into the US, and reports that in comparison with his Titan i, the Skala has a slightly warmer sound, while maintaining the best characteristics of the more expensive cartridge (i.e. he actually prefers the Skala). He's also quite familiar with my system, which includes the C-5xe by the way. Based on your stated goals, he strongly suggests that you consider the Skala. If you are interested, contact me by private mail and I can give you the name of an excellent dealer.
I have also recently ordered a Lyra Skala, which I'll receive in a couple of weeks. Should be a most interesting comparison. An audio buddy had one of the first Skalas imported into the US, and reports that in comparison with his Titan i, the Skala has a slightly warmer sound, while maintaining the best characteristics of the more expensive cartridge (i.e. he actually prefers the Skala). He's also quite familiar with my system, which includes the C-5xe by the way. Based on your stated goals, he strongly suggests that you consider the Skala. If you are interested, contact me by private mail and I can give you the name of an excellent dealer.