I've found the cd player for analog lovers

I'm the guy who said on Audiogon, "When is digital going to get the soul of music?". Let me just say that I've found the digital player that rivals or beats analog. No, it is not $40,000. Please read me on my thread! I do believe that there is much variability with cd's. So not all cd's are created equally. The player in question is APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910. I've found that volume is really critical. Alex voiced his player while comparing it to analog. Let me just tell you that I used to get tense from cd. I'm not saying that all cd's will sound great. For instance, my friend bought a cd from Walmart that was Van Morrison's greatest hits. It was hard to listen to through the digital haze to the music on Alex's $19,000(not your price)cd player.
Dear Mak: I have to insiste ( in good shape ).

Like you say your thread is not the usual CDvsLP, your thread ( if you are serious about music ) is different and important for almost all the people in this Analog Forum: +++++ "
I've found the cd player for analog lovers . " +++++ ( I hope that all the analog lovers being music lovers too. )
Your stament is exiting for say the least.

I have several experiences ( own design between them ) trying to find the " soul " in the digital domain and the near I been was with the DVD-A where the digital can even and in some ways beat the LP. Much of those experiences were in my own system but other ones in friend/dealer systems too.

Till today I never find the CDP and the CD and LP where ( in the same circumstance: about recording process. ) the CD beat or even its LP counterpart: it can even/beat the LP in some limited and specific areas but never like a " whole " medium and talking about " soul " I can't remember any single CD that could transmit it ( obviously I don't hear every single CD out there ). Till today I'm trying hard to find that CDP with Redbook.

Why is so important your thread ?: because you think that you FIND IT !!!!!! through the Alex design ( that I have no idea about ).

In my last post ( maybe you don't have the time to read it ) I ask to you for something extremely crucial for sustain your find about: the description of your whole room/audio system with the high lights on your 10K analog rig, now I can add something else: with which CDs and with its LPs counterparts.

With out those information your serious thread can lose its importance, meaning and sense for almost we music lovers.

One think that worried me in this thread: +++++ " . I've found that volume is really critical. Alex voiced his player while comparing it to analog. " +++++

Regards and enjoy the music.
I've been drinking again guys, but I really appreciate all your responses. I've not seen a response that is not worth reading! I appreciate all the responses in defense of me. I have to address what Rauliruegas has said, though. My main objection to cd was my physical response to it, which, in many cases, was tension. My $10,000 analog was what it cost in 1992. I actually paid $3700 plus shipping. It is a Linn, Ekos, nude Archiv, Mana Sound Table, Lingo. I've not given up on analog, as I will try to lower my tracking force(which is in the correct parameters-except that it is higher than the previous owner had it set.) Previously, my APL Hi-Fi Denon 3910 wasn't used much, as my analog beat it. Now, it is the opposite. I will try to improve my analog to compete(as I have 2000 lp's and 5 cd's-with access to many more). Anyhow, listen to Warrenh, as he is able to read the internet(and Audigon) to an extent that exceeds my abilities.
Rauliruegas, it's too late on one thing(the shape thing). I didn't answer your whole thread. My preamp is the RGR 3 sitting on 2-inch Mapleshade with their rubber, cork, rubber footers. Amps are the Nuforce 8.5's, sitting on 4-inch teak and isonodes, and on the preamp. Interconnects consist of Oritek X-2's between APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910, and Signal Cable Silver interconnects between preamp and amp. Speaker cable is Signal Cable Silver(Thank you Plato.). Interconnects and speaker cable are lifted off my rug floor by styrofoam cups(per Mapleshade). Speakers are the original DCM Time-Windows(which D_edwards said are midrange recessive, and have boom and tizz(I'm not sure tweeters that only go to 16-18khz could be called tizz-boom, I might agree with.). The speakers sit upon 2-inch Mapleshade maple, with isonodes underneath. No room treatment, and one speaker sits close to a corner, while the other is close to an opening behind it. No conditioners, but a Wattgate power strip-properly plugged in the correct order. TVAD, Ori, of Oritek Audio, agrees with you about chips.
Rauliruegas, in my limited experience with cd's, I prefer the lp over the cd almost exclusively. Now, remember, I only listen to 1982 or earlier lp's. I won't buy those albums in cd form. I am aware that there have been much more recent remastering of those albums for cd, and they may be much better. In fact, I bought the Band's, "Music From Big Pink", based on a recommendation from the Audio press. While it is good, I don't listen to it much right now. Sometimes I think the cd emphasizes things in the recording that we aren't used to(compared to the original lp). Maybe that is one reason we prefer the lp? BTW,I also think that Band's cd recommendation from the press was a good recommendation.