Do you protect your hearing?

My Dad's hearing has been bad for a while and he recently had to get hearing aids. I'm a relatively young man and I know I have not used proper hearing protection throughout my life. This audio stuff is a wonderful thing and something I'd like to enjoy my entire life, so I have been more aware of noise in my everyday life. My job requires me to work in a sometimes loud environment and my other hobby is woodworking. For about the last 5 years or so, I have made a conscious effort to wear hearing protection when I'm in such an environments. Just recently I started to use hearing protection while cutting the grass, something I wouldn't have considered in the past. Has your interest in audio caused you to be more aware of hearing protection or am I the only anal one here?
My wife says I never listen to her..or something like that... :-)


Something I've wondered about for quite a while...assuming you've taken care of your hearing throughout your life(I have), when you get older does your hearing change such that you're more sensitive to sharp noises? This is relavant to this hobby as (if your hearing does change) it'll have a specific impact on how you interpret the relative 'quality' of any particular piece of equipment you buy. It's then normal to focus your interests to equipment that compensates for the change.

An example...I listened to a well known horn-based speaker for years and really enjoyed them. Eventually they seemed to be shouting at me regardless of volume. I couldn't listen to them anymore & sold them. The speakers didn't change..I did. Was the change just a switch in taste or would it have a physical basis? (A high-school friend had the same speakers, had the same experience, and also sold them. He replaced them with a much mellower sounding (non-horn) speaker, as I did. We're both in our late fourties).
A bit off topic, but the other day I was next to a very loud Harley Davidson motorcycle and the driver was wearing ear plugs. Why not just get a quiter exhaust? The rest of us would certainly appreciate it.
Jdombrow, you obviously don't understand the Harley Attitude. They are loud for a reason, so everybody can hear you coming from a mile away! My freind tells me that at one time Harley was going to try and patent the sound of their bikes! If you can belive that. I guess abit off topic, but I never cared for the Harley sound either. My friend loves the sound, makes him feel at peace. I on the other hand, like John Coltrane's Ascension for a peaceful experience. I guess everybody has there thing. Thanks for the thought. I will look into this as I am only 31, still young, especially on this site.