Breaking in a new cartridge,..Denon DL 103 R.

Just installed a R today in replacement of the 103 regular.
What is the breaking period time on that cartridge and which aspects of it's early stage sound should be expected to improved once it's '' done it's time ''.
Thanks guys....
It seems the cart. is going to a phase as the one described by Hdm.
I need to clarified the '' resistance coil '' of this cartridge in order to select the jumper position of my phono amp pertaining to this issue.
Aside from offering load selection options my phono offers 3 settings to accomodate the resistance coil of one's cartrige,.......low, medium or hight.
What could be the coil resistance of my cartridge ?
I know that it's electrical impedance is 14 ohm.......but that doesn't help me........maybe someone knows ?

Denon used to provide a frequency response curve with every catridge. I reflected the response of the cartridge and recorded the impedance at which the catridge was tested. If they are still providing that info: Match that impedance and you can't go wrong.
Pboutin, if you are using an active phono preamp then the best loading for the 103R is 100 Ohms. No need to experiment. If you are using a transformer based phono gain stage then I do not have enough experience to help.

BTW Rodman, Denon still does supply frequency curves with these carts, but they run that test into a 47K load. Seems kind of odd.
As Rodman said the frequency figure is based on them using a 47K load.
Their suggestion is to use 100 ohms in the phono amp
or 40 ohms if using a transformer.
I have elect the 100 load over the 470 or the 30 that
my Dynavector p-75 provides.
This phono actually provides another load option called
the '' phono enhancer '' or 0 load option.........this is where my regular DL 103 likes to be connected.....unlike it's little seems so far.
Again they also differ when I select the setting relate to the resistance......the 103 prefer the medium setting while the 103R prefer the high setting.
All and all it's a little time consuming and I thank all
the one that have shipped in.
By the way does 47K ohms represente the same figure
than 470 ohms ?
47K ohms is actually 47,000 ohms. The 103R should sound quite good into the 100 ohm load; the other setting that you should try out is the 30 ohm load. It is quite possible that it will sound even better to you there. Don't worry about it if it doesn't as this is a subjective hobby and there are many things to take into account such as system synergy, related pieces of equipment etc.

My advice would be to get 15-20 hours on the cartridge tracking it around 2.6 or 2.7 grams using that 100 ohm load and then try the 30 ohm load. I'm not familiar with the Dyna phono stage, but it sounds like the "resistance" setting is actually a gain setting, with "high" giving the higher gain. With the lower output of the 103R vs. the straight 103, it would make sense that the R would prefer that "high" setting.

Good luck and enjoy your 103R. It is a great cartridge (especially for the money!!!).