Breaking in a new cartridge,..Denon DL 103 R.

Just installed a R today in replacement of the 103 regular.
What is the breaking period time on that cartridge and which aspects of it's early stage sound should be expected to improved once it's '' done it's time ''.
Sorry for talking nonsensically about a Benz. I saw "R" and my brain thought "Ruby". Senior moment.

I haven't broken in a Denon either, so I'm sticking to my guns on the rest of my post!
Start off at 2.5g VTF. Break in should be relatively short. I heard a gradual improvement, but the cart basically sound good out of the box. Break in is short.
Thanks guys....
It seems the cart. is going to a phase as the one described by Hdm.
I need to clarified the '' resistance coil '' of this cartridge in order to select the jumper position of my phono amp pertaining to this issue.
Aside from offering load selection options my phono offers 3 settings to accomodate the resistance coil of one's cartrige,.......low, medium or hight.
What could be the coil resistance of my cartridge ?
I know that it's electrical impedance is 14 ohm.......but that doesn't help me........maybe someone knows ?

Denon used to provide a frequency response curve with every catridge. I reflected the response of the cartridge and recorded the impedance at which the catridge was tested. If they are still providing that info: Match that impedance and you can't go wrong.
Pboutin, if you are using an active phono preamp then the best loading for the 103R is 100 Ohms. No need to experiment. If you are using a transformer based phono gain stage then I do not have enough experience to help.

BTW Rodman, Denon still does supply frequency curves with these carts, but they run that test into a 47K load. Seems kind of odd.