Turntables from 1-10: Personality 8.5 Beauty 12

This thread could be interesting for any components, but I write as I am thinking of adding a turntable to my system.

In the end, I might not use it very often, but I love the beauty of turntables, if only as a conversation piece for my missionary work with non audiophiles.

Obviously, I want it to sound very good too but I might get more pleasure per dollar per hour of usage with an unusually gorgeous turntable. I need to keep the budget to < $10,000 retail.

Could anyone recommend a particular VPI model? The HRX is obviously gorgeous, but I imagine the less expensive ones look great too and much of the same performance as their top of the line?

How about the Michell Gyrodec SE? Is it as gorgeous as it looks in pictures? Oracle?

Obviously the dowdy LP12 is out, as are the mdf Regas and others.....

Thanks for any ideas.
Hi Cwlondon, I think the VPI HR-X i quite good looking and the new Aries is close behind it in looks as well. Great TT besides.
However, take a look at the TW Raven AC.....it truly is drop dead gorgeous. I just ordered mine...not on looks only however.

i'm a sucker for a beautiful 'vintage' turntable, and have several. i prefer the newer models that emulate the older ones. i do not really care for the 'veg-o-matic' cosmetic trends that many of todays designs have. mass for the sake of mass. the oracle paris is my favorite looker...
I recently added a Kuzma StabiS/StoigiS to my system and was shocked at how many people commented on it (favorably) at the company holiday party. It's quite eye-catching.
Hands down Oracle Delphi V. Design basically unchanged for mre than 25 years. Sounds great, easy to set up and compatible with many tonearms.