I apologize for stirring up the hornet's nest of Daedalus fans. They are a vocal group! As I said, there are a number of Daedalus owners whose judgment I respect; I just haven't been able (yet) to hear what it is they like so much. Maybe that's due to the show environment or poor setup or perhaps the solid state amplification. I don't know.
Someone once gave some good advice about auditioning speakers at hifi shows: If a speaker sounds good at a show, then you know it is good. But if a speaker sounds bad, you don't really know anything except that it didn't sound good in that particular room and with that particular equipment.
In any event, I am always struck by how different people reach different conclusions about the sound quality of rooms at the same show. That just shows that we have different tastes and different priorities, and there is nothing wrong with that. The world would be much less interesting if we all had the same aesthetic tastes.
Someone once gave some good advice about auditioning speakers at hifi shows: If a speaker sounds good at a show, then you know it is good. But if a speaker sounds bad, you don't really know anything except that it didn't sound good in that particular room and with that particular equipment.
In any event, I am always struck by how different people reach different conclusions about the sound quality of rooms at the same show. That just shows that we have different tastes and different priorities, and there is nothing wrong with that. The world would be much less interesting if we all had the same aesthetic tastes.