Teres still the way to go?

Thinking about going with a Teres 255 again (I've owned one before and loved it). Just wanted to see if there is anything else I should consider in the same price range. Thoughts?
$400.00 for shipping and a custom case ? How can that be justified, especially since it's not coming in from outside the country ?
I'm not sure there is a hard delivery date for the Serac. In my conversations with Thom he has been extremely busy of late and balancing a few different projects. Also, I know he is intent on making sure every inch of the Serac is up to his quality standards, It could be 6 weeks or 6 months (my words not Thom's), no matter to me, I'm waiting.
I'm guessing that the shipping cost posted on the site are most likely based on the much heavier Gavias and Stelvios. The boxes my Gavia came in are definitely ones to hang on to for life. Let's see. About $8k for my Gavia. . . Yeah, I'll pay $400 to ensure it is packaged properly and arrives safe and sound.
Also, I know he is intent on making sure every inch of the Serac is up to his quality standards

Thom is a stickler for getting it right. When I committed to my Gavia (it was still called Quattro Alu at the time), I wanted it in black anodized. It took Thom's anodizer several attempts to achieve the quality level he demanded.

I've had the opportunity to trial the tonearm that Thom is likely to be offering and it runs the Triplanar very close at a fraction of the price.