Basis Debut Mk v or Walker or Brinkman ?

I have a Basis Debut Mk v with Graham Phantom and was wondering if anyone has compared it to the walker or the brinkman balance.Is their major differences between these tables or are they subtle.
Although Lloyd Walker claims that one person sold one of his Porsches to buy a Walker TT.
That last post is funny

I thought you were kidding Rcprince, but I always like to talk about my car and music systems. Have a good weekend!
I actually have a e320 mercedes,but luckily won't have to sell it to buy a Walker.If Rockport came out with a sirus v who knows.
Bkonig, you need to disclose your position as a Grand Prix/Dyna retailer. Anything less is unfair to the readers and highly unethical.
strapper221 owns one. my opinion is, since its a very, very refined and well made table, and he has lots of records, don't throw the basis under the bus. it is an overlooked gem.