Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable

I would like to upgrade my basis 2000 turntable.I am considering either upgrading to the basis 2200 table or trying one of the above three tables. I would also consider the new VPI aries three table. Which of the above would you recommend. I would like to keep the cost of the table only to 5000 dollars or less. Thanks for responding
Hi Cmk. I am not eluding that you were disagreeing with Arthur’s blog. English is not my first language and sometimes my postings do not reflect the meaning I intended. My apologies.

I was commenting on the fact that coincidentally both you and Arthur share the same 'unpopular' view, and you both posted on the same thread. The board seems to be frequented by what I can only describe as the audiophile equivalent of 'groupies' for some marques and technologies.

Consequently objective views and opinions are few and far between, and sadly, many times said objective opinions are not tolerated well.

I agree that one should approach a system as a whole, and that it is very likely to find a component that works well in one system, to be somewhat disappointing in another. Recommendations made w/o considering the environment are somewhat risky.

Dan, my apologies, I should have mentioned my concerns were based mostly on two Teres owner’s posting on VA. The one owner has subsequently sold his Teres and bought a VPI. The post was not aimed at you.

The said gentlemen had, to my knowledge, no preconceived negative bias toward unipivots/low compliance carts, yet had experienced problems. Since I owned and used (quite successfully I might add) the same arm and cartridge combo one of them had on my VPI, the problem could only be a result of bad setup or an incompatibility with table itself. I have no reason to suspect either gent’s ability to achieve a good arm/cart setup.

You have somewhat consistently, demonstrated a high degree of negative bias towards certain technologies, unipivots being one. Some people just don’t like certain things and I most certainly have no issue with that. I therefore did not consider your personal bias as a reflection of some characteristic of your turntable or cartridge (and still do not).

No worries, Pauly. My last post should have had a smiley attached since I did mean that as a poke at we who own these subject tables. Myself perhaps being the oddest of the bunch.

As for uni-pivots, I don't really mean to come across as having a completely negative opinion of them. Sorry if I came across that way. I did find the well regarded uni-pivot that I used for a while to have certain limitations under some circumstances. However, under other circumstances I found that uni-pivot very satisfying. Same with suspended tables. It's all about the right combinations.
for the most part all three tables seem to please there respective owners.i have only heard a teres as a friend owns one.it was good enough that i entertained purchasing one myself until a great deal on a vpi swung me that way.i have enjoyed mr.salvatore's blog for quite some time,purchased equipment from him and sought his opinion a few times.when he feels it is time to demote a piece of equipment he does so,regardless of manufacturer.IMO,of course.
Returning to the original poster's request for turntable recommendations, I can offer a couple of comments. Trying to audition turntables can be next to impossible, and very few folks will ever have the opportunity to try different tables of this caliber in their own home prior to making a purchase decision. Plus it always seems that satisfied purchasers are quick to endorse their own table. That suggests that there are many paths to turntable satisfaction, and maybe you can't go wrong with any of the options that the OP has to choose from. Perhaps they are all great tables.

Having said that, being a satisfied Galibier owner myself, I would recommend that you get a Galibier Gavia. It does exceed your $5000 budget, but if there is any flexibility I would go for the greater investment to get the Gavia. Thom Mackris put a lot of effort in developing the graphite top for the current Gavia platter, and the improvement in sound quality it makes is nothing short of amazing. It is easily worth the extra money.

I consider my Gavia a "final" turntable, one which should more than meet my needs for the rest of my listening days. It sounds great, it is 100% reliable, and it doesn't have finicky adjustments. It is a mature design where the kinks have already been worked out.

I can't say how the Galibier Gavia compares sonically to a Teres or Redpoint, since I have not seen, much less heard, either one. For whatever it is worth, I have heard several Platine Verdier tables and a Walker on several occasions, and nothing I heard suggested that either of them sounds better than the Galibier with Triplanar arm. Of course, system setup and system synergies are always critical factors regardless of the turntable choice.

Good luck in your decision.
