DIY experts needed... SUT for Bellari VP129 stated in an earlier thread I want to move to a Denon 103/103R cartridge.
What I`m using now is a Bellari VP129 phono stage, fed directly into my amp. Nothing else is in the way.
Listening level in my room could be called moderate...MAYBE (and that`s when the dial is turned all the way up).

And that`s with a Sumiko BPS EVO III @ 2.5mv.

When I change over to one of the Denons
I`d like to have some more power, a little more volume available when I want it but still leave the system as is with the exception of the step up.

So...can anyone tell me how to go about this if I go the Cinemag type route??
I`m clueless as to what I`ll need to allow me more flex ability.
Thanks in advance,
The EVO III is putting out about a quarter of the voltage compared to the Denons after the Bellari - about 0.1 V. Comparing this to the standard 2V CD players put out that should not be enough to drive any amp directly. With the low 30dB gain of the Bellari I still can't see how that is enough to drive any amplifier directly without an additional preamp.

As for "overdriving" the Bellari - there might be a maximum input voltage for the Bellari, which you might exceed.

And do you think I can accomplish what I hoped to do ?

No, I think you will need an extra active preamp with about 20dB gain to drive your amp.
So the EVO III, right now, as it sits puts out LESS than what the Denons would using an SUT @ 1:36 ?