One TT, 2 arms, 2 cartridges for $2,000 used?

I would like to buy a turntable on which I can fit two arms, both for stereo, but one that would favor "analytical/resolution" and one that would be more "romantic/forgiving"...can you guys suggest a complete set up, brand and model for TT, arms and cartridges?
If you want to use different cartridges with ease, then you should get a VPI Scout. You can get a second armwand for the Scout and switch cartridges on the fly... the Scout is a brilliant turntable and it takes about 2 seconds to switch armwands on it.

I will suggest that $2000 can get you a competent enjoyable set-up, but will add my opinion to the others' above that 1 table, 1 arm, 1 cart is the right way to start. A second cart is easy enough to add later just by adding a cart to a headshell or armpipe and this could give you "romantic-on-demand."

If you are willing to go the DIY route, you might try building a plinth for an idler wheel system. From all the raving goin on, it probably give you a very respectable table, and the plinth you build could be used to later accomodate multiple arms if you wanted.
Thank you all, I have to agree with you guys and will likely investigate the Scout route with two cartridges (did not know some arms could make cartridge change that easy. Any suggestions for 2 cartridges with the sound properties I described for say $300-500 each?
Wow the VPI Scout is an awesome idea! My dad has the Scoutmaster and it never occured to me how great that table would be for you, the arm simply rest's on a cone so just pop it off, pull the wires and add seperate arm with another cart.............brilliant.
That's just not realistic...

You can, as others have said probably pull that off with a one arm, one cartridge set up, but not two. You're not willing to spend enough money to make the result worth the money, and effort...


