Best location setup of turntable

I have a pair of Tyler Taylo 7U speakers, Thorens TD145MKii, ClearAudio Microbasic phono preamp, and 55W Chinese built tube amp.
What would be a good (or best) location of the turntable?
Currently it is sitting on the bare wood floor in between an audio rack and the right speaker in my living room (20x25). The distance to the rack is about 3" and to the right speaker is about 10".

I tried to sit the turntable on top of the audio rack, but the vibration is much worse than just let it sitting on the bare floor. I tried to put the turntable on top of a sandbag, but it did not help much to reduce the rambling/distortion (or whatever you call) when the volume goes of 12 o'clock.

Any suggestion?
Would isolator help? What kind isolator would be good (Well under $100)?

Thanks for your opinion in advance.
get a wall mountable shelf for it. They can be found for $100, or a lot less if you're handy.
I second Bdgregory. I use a Target. If you're not particularly handy and it takes more than $100 to do the job right, you will find that it's worth it.
Unless you want to play with various suspension systems, a wall mount as Bdgregory suggests may be the easiest answer. Hopefully, owners of Thorens tables will add their experiences.

The second issue after what to place it on is where in the room to locate your table. Keep in mind the tt/arm/stylus are designed to be sensitive to very small vibrations - this means both mechanical (addressed by wall mounting) and acoustical. If you own or can borrow a CD player and a disc with bass test tones, than can help. Play a segment with frequencies of 120 cycles and below at slightly louder levels than you may listen at. Move around the room to every location when you might like to place your table. Lean forward to place your head right over where the platter/arm would be positioned. Listen for excess bass energy. You should discover a wide variety in bass loading from one position to another. Being close to your walls, the amount of energy may surprise you. For best performance, you will want to locate your table where the bass loading is minimal. Most likely this will be away from any of your corners.

Good luck.
Unless you have your turntable on a concrete cellar floor,you really need to get it on the wall..Nothing has to be fancy..just pick up a couple nice wall brakets and make your own wallshelf..pretty easy to hang wherever you want..Works like a charm........