$75 Thorens vs. $2K+ Michell...is this possible?

Hi all,

I've had my first turntable ever (a Michell Tecnodec purchased used with a Benz Glider medium ouput purchased new) for a couple of months now, and although it has sounded good at times and sometimes even great, overall it hasn't been what I've expected based upon the reputation that vinyl has over digital. Sometimes my table sounds smothered or rolled off in the highs, and sometimes I hear what I can best describe as noise/static/distortion on vocals when they get loud. Things have gotten a bit better with what I assume is break-in of the cartridge and some minor tweaking of VTA.

Yesterday, I purchased a well used Thorens TD 160 with an Audio Technica AT125LC. The cartridge is riding so low (I assume from use) that at times the body rubs on the record surface. I haven't had the time to do extensive direct comparisons, but the essence of what I expected from vinyl is here with the Thorens. An overall smooth, natural coherence that is emminently enjoyable to listen to. Natural, airy highs. Solid, but not overdone firm bass.

Again, I have not done direct comparisons, but I don't hear any of the downsided I heard with my Michell. There may not be quite the detail or soundstage width, but I feel like it's an overall more enjoyable listening experience.

I'd love input from the more experienced here to help me understand what's happening here.

Thanks much,
Well, it is all a matter of taste so there is no need to doubt yourself. There are all types of philosophies out there. It is great to hear from someone who actually knows what he likes. enjoy the music!

i have owned and sold several state-of-the-art tables, including a maplenoll athena, sota, a pink triange export and a goldmund studio that were no more enjoyable than a td 160 super or a td 147, or a variety of other classic inexpensive(relatively speaking) thorens tables. all those used tables floating around, and still operating is truly a marvel.
Did you hook up the Thorens without changing the settings on your phono preamp? If so, that would explain a lot. If you've been running the Benz on the MM setting, the 5mv output of the AT would be a much better match than the .8mv of the Benz. Also, having read your previous threads, did you mount and align the Benz yourself? You might want to check the alignment to make sure it's up to snuff. I'm assuming the AT was already mounted on the Thorens and, because you like what you're hearing, the alignment is probably pretty close.

The other big difference is your non-suspended Michell versus the very old school spring suspension of the Thorens. Suffice to say the tables will sound very different.

If your Michell/Benz setup is correct, you may be learning an audio lesson that I and many others have also had to learn: cost is not necessarily proportional to satisfaction.
