Dear Thom: +++++ " To the point of all of this, let's not construe anything dirty about trying to get a certain full function preamp into Mikey's hands for commentary. At the same time, Raul, please don't let anyone mistake that either you or I are wearing a crown of thorns.
As much as we love music and hi-fi, making a product "real" by manufacturing it is a lot of hard work and deserves a proper reward. There is nothing impure or shameful about this, and you needn't hide behind a shroud of benevolence. " +++++
No, I don't. We have at least three magazine offers ( no Stereophile and I never ask MF to do it.) to make the Essential review and we have to refuse because we are not ready for a lucky " rave magazines reviews ". Let me explain it: we build unit by unit by hand ( no mass production system. ) testing/ measuring every single stage ( and I don't mean with " single stage " for example the line stage or the MC stage, no I'm reffering to several " single stages " inside that big line/MC stage. ) before we are satisfied, very time consuming ( but we like it that way and we don't want to change our very high build quality execution. ), for example our RIAA calibration is a " weeks " time consuming not only because we must to achieve ( at least ) an accuracy of 0.015db but because that accuracy must stay in that way over long run conditions, complex!!!! We are trying to reduce our build/test system production and when we think that it is time then you can be sure that I could ask for those magazine reviews that IMHO every serious audio manufacturer needs.
Thom, this is excatly what move me to ask MF about the MC2 review:
Regards and enjoy the music.