Record wear

I'm tempted to get into analog, but have next to no experience. I'm considering starting with an inexpensive table, cartridge, etc. to test the waters. If things work out, I'll upgrade.

Some of the records can run fairly pricey, like the Analogue Productions 45s. In my inexperience, I'm concerned that a lower-end system may introduce a lot of record wear before I jump into a better system. Should this be a concern?

If this shouldn't be a concern, any recommendations for reasonably-priced components? Thanks!
IMHO, dirt and dust are the biggest problem (static electricity makes many Vinyl albums a magnet for dust) followed by natural degradtion of the plastic. My limited experience was that the more cleaning I did the worse it eventually sounded (faster it degraded) and that the stylus of any decent mid range TT NEVER did any damage (except if you bumped it or someone jumped on the floor next to the TT)...just my two cents.
Good suggestion above- hit the Goodwills and buy only music you like, but make sure it's in good shape. Hit the used record stores as well. Don't buy dirty, scratched LPs. As stated above- don't use stylus cleaner (liquid).
As to turntables: used Music Hall, Rega are a good entry level.
Don't forget to buy a carbon brush from Music Direct.
Good Luck and enjoy!
I think anyone considering swimming in the analog waters needs to ponder their reasons for doing so, vinyl isn't for everyone. Unlike some, I have never felt analog was vastly superior to well done digital. Vinyl is clearly superior in some ways, but inferior in others. Vinyl is a pain in the rump to store, clean, and acquire IMO. The quality of new releases is quite variable. I've been so aggravated by warped, noisy and dirty new releases. To me, the best reason to put up with analog is access to new music that is never going to be digitally released or access to releases you'd never pay the price of a cd for. I've been poking through the .99 cent racks at a record store and taken many a chance on a release I'd never pay $10-16 for and have been turned on to a lot of good new music as a result. I take good care of my vinyl and wear isn't an audible factor in my experience. As to component recommendations, what's your budge forecast? BTW, you've got a very nice system and a beautiful room.
Hi,50 bucks a pop is alot of money for an lp.I go to flea markets,estate sales,used record stores.Records run 10cents to 5bucks,stores higher.Most stores will take trades of cds for credit or cash.Sites like DELMARK/JAZZMART have great deals, also try MOSIAC records.There prices on new jazz lps and some blues are great.Don't know what inexpensive means to ya,$350 will get you a nice new table,used 50 and up.GOOD LUCK,KP
Dear Bigamp: +++++ " In my inexperience, I'm concerned that a lower-end system may introduce a lot of record wear...." +++++

A lower-end or a top one system contribute in almost the same way to very slowly makes a degradation/wear to the LPs.
If you mantain your Lps clean, the stylus in good/pristine condition and the VTF is between manufacturer advise you don't have to worried about.

Regards and enjoy the music.