Cartridge recommendations VPI Scoutmaster

I am looking for cartridge recommendations for a VPI Scoutmaster/Joule Electra/Merlin VSM Mx system. I have been out of vinyl for many years....and so am really a novice again in this area. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical and some rock. I am looking at both new and used cartridges. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I have a Superscoutmaster with JMW9 and love using Clearaudio cartridges with this set up. Currently I am using a Clearaudio Maestro with superb results. The cartridge has a healthy output, so gain is not an issue with most phono preamps set to MM. Personally, I do not buy used cartridges - I enjoy the high frequency sparkle of a fresh cartridge and peace of mind knowing that the tip is new. This is one item that I always buy fresh off the shelf.
Both Benz and Dynavector match up with VPI very well. Others have reported good results with Shelter, though theoretically they are not as good a match.
I am enjoying my Ortofon Jubilee very much with my Scoutmaster. I would highly recommend it. Best of luck
I have had very good results with the Dynavectors. Used the 17D2MKII with my Scoutmaster and have used the 17D3 and now the XX-2 MKII with my Superscoutmaster.