SDS question

Hello friends,
I was checking my turntable speed today using my KAB speed strobe and found that my table was running quite slow. I had the VPI SDS calibrated at 59.85hz and I thought I had the speed perfect. Today, I needed to adjust it to 60.03hz to get it dead accurate again.
What might cause such a big change to have to be made? I was wondering if it might be the weather (it has turned cold recently here in Chicago)?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hello, and thanks again for the input.

I am going to order a new belt. 3 years is a good run for the old one.

Stringreen, regarding oil for the motor, you said that Harry is sending you some... does that mean that any old motor oil won't do?

Thanks again.


P.S. Yes, I have a VPI Scoutmaster. I was surprised to see that I failed to mention that up front.
Tom, I'm thinking that these newer VPI Tables with Inverted Bearings are recommended to use Grease, rather than Oil? Somebody with a Scoutmaster please confirm if you can.

A simple call to VPI, ot a quick call to MusicDirect in Chicago should confirm whether this is true, or not?
Since they are a VPI Dealer, they should have the proper Bearing Lubricants in stock. Probably best to stick to what VPI recommends. Hope this helps, and do let us know if the new Belt has improved your speed stability? Mark
Hi Tom. When I spoke to Harry about the Che,Che sound (he actually heard it on the telephone), he said there is an adjustment if there is too much play in the shaft. This can be checked by pulling up on the pulley. There should be a little play, but not too much. The play on mine was about equal, so the next step Harry said would be to put oil on the shaft. He didnt mention what kind of oil, but he said he would send some to me. I havent received it yet..this was only a few days ago. If you call VPI, they could surely answer your questions. ..Just for your information, VPI is closed on Mondays and a couple of other days. I called Tuesday and was able to get through. Stan
I've been using Phil's Tenacious Oil, a bicycle oil, for several years now after it was recommended on the Vinyl Asylum. Used it on my Scout, and have been using it on my Scoutmaster with excellent results.

Here's a link:
According to my manual, the bearing is lubricated with white lithium grease. So that is what I use.

The motor would be lubricated with oil. I'm going to call VPI and ask for some, or what kind to buy.
