Has Anyone Removed & Replaced the VPI Arm

I have a Superscoutmaster with a Signature 9 inch arm. I am returning the arm for the 10.5i to VPI under an exchange program. VPI promised instructions with the new arm, but I was wondering if anyone has done it. I have replaced arms before, but the current arm sits on the very thick plinth of the SSM. There is no attaching bolt..only a very deep hole from under the arm.
Interesting, but without a bolt on the bottom to hold the arm tightly to the turntable itself, how does one remove the arm? Thanks

From the photos it looks like you have a mounting collar screwed down to the plinth. There's a set screw (or two?) going through that collar from the side. Loosening the set screw(s) lets the arm slide up and down, right? Doesn't it just slide right out?

You could always call VPI. They probably know! ;-)

I recently bought a JMW-10 arm, and then some upgrade parts from VPI, to install as a second arm on a custom plinth. This arm does not require a mounting hole as do most other arms. There is a base plate for the arm that requires three machine screws to secure to an armboard or plinth. Everything for the arm itself and the connecting wires attach to this plate.

Therefore, mounting is simple: measure the base plate location position per VPI, drill three small holes for the base plate, install three screws, and set up the arm.
One thing you may want to consider is that the longer arm is more difficult to handle than the shorter one. With the unipivot design the assembly tends to be more difficult to place on the leading edge groove and remove from the center after play. My friend has the Aries with the 10.5" and I have the Scout with the 9" arm and I always feel a little awkward when playing an LP with his rig. I'm not sure it bothers him much since he is probably used to the longer arm. Question: what kind of improvement do you expect by swapping out the short for the long arm?