Help,Allaerts or Transfiguration

Can anyone tell me of their experience with either the Allaerts MC2 or Transfiguration Temper V Cartridges
Thank you in advance for your help.
Transfiguration cartridges are excellent values for the money. They are easy to listen to and just seem to make the music sound right. They do not focus on one aspect of Lp playback but seem to do alot of things well. The Phoenix is the 2nd in line and I feel it competes with the Temper V very well. The music just flows and the cartridges all track very well. The Orpheus is their top of the line and is an excellent all around performer. It just gets out of the way and lets you enjoy the recording.
bear in mind that the Tempers are no longer and even the Phoenix is in Version 2 mode. The new cheaper Axia is considered a step above the older Phoenix.
I lived with a Temper-V for four years.Before that,the Temper Supreme.On a Graham 2.2 arm,and Sota Cosmos Series IV table.
The Temper-V was as great an improvement over the fine sounding Temper Supreme as the Orpheus is over the "V"!
The "V" is a wonderful cartridge,regardless of other possibly superior designs.It has fabulous detail and is very neutral.It does not have high gain,so your phonostage should have some good output.
If you come by the "V"(it is no longer made)you will surely love it!Of that I am sure.
I have no experience with the Allaerts.Sorry.
Good luck.
I know several people who have very expensive Allaerts (one person's cartridge is over $10k) and they all love the cartridge. In just my casual listen, I think they make terrific, natural sounding (not flashy) cartridges. But, they do have very precise requirements for loading and the particular phonostage/step up transformer that is used. One friend is currently working on optimizing it into the Boulder phono stage (this is an incredibly flexible and adjustable stage, so, having difficulty with this stage says something about how touchy this cartridge can be).

I have two friends with Orpheus cartridges and I had the Orpheus in my system for two weeks (replacing a Lyra Titan) just to hear how it sounds. This too is a fantastic cartridge. It is, compared to the Lyra, just a touch midrange prominent and not quite as open and "fast" sounding on top. It was, overall, a bit less detailed, but also not as dry or analytical sounding. Great cartridge. I also got to listen to a Phoenix cartridge in a familiar system, although the table/arm combination was new to me (Linn/Naim Aro). This vinyl rig sounded fantastic. Very dynamic, vivid and lively (also a touch midrange prominent).

I like the current Orpheus and Phoenix a LOT better than the Temper series. The Tempers I listened to sounded a bit too polite and drab for my taste.
Thank you for your informative posts.
I have an opportunity to purchase a NIB(I think)Temper V at a fair price.but I have wanted to try an Allaerts for some time now.The price differential is considerable,so I'm stumped.
If a specific phono amp is required for the Allaerts then I guess the choice might be made for me.
Larryi,do you know which phono stage that might be.