budget Cables / Interconnects recommendations?

Hello all- For the past 10 years I have been using some cheap mostercable type interconnects, and I'm wondering I'f I'm missing out. My set-up includes a pair of VTL compact 100 tube monoblocks powering a pair of NHT super-two's. Main source is a rega Planar 3 (about to hopefully be fitted with a BENZ ACE) with an adcom pre (that I am about to replace, with what I am not sure, something tube I imagine)-- anyways, It seems that I could easily buy cables that cost more than my components. Do they really make that big of a difference or is the money better spent elsewhere? What brand would be a good place to start to do better than my cheap wal-mart cables but not spend a fortune? thanks- M
Mr Bean,

I'm wondering I'f I'm missing out.

Very few dare question the consensus wisdom of the "extraordinary" differences available from changing cables. Even Best Buy emphasizes that it is essential to purchase high quality accessories/cables when you buy components. Plenty of advice on what to buy is available everywhere. Just like fashion magazines tell you what to wear, what is "in".

I have a question for you. Could all this be making you energized more by fear/desire/conformity than practical benefit?
For the Rega attached interconnects, take a look at the closeout deal on no-longer made
Z-Sleeves on tweakaudio.com This is a $50 tweak.
I successfully added this at the preamp phono input end of my fixed interconnects on a Sonographe SG-3 turntable with modified Rega RB-300 tonearm.
There is audible improvement, quieter background, and better detail appreciation with a vintage Grado cartridge.
Here's another vote for Signal Cable. Using Signal for all PC's, speaker cable, and some IC's. I also have Audio Art IC3 ... nice copper/silver combo using DH Lab inspired geometry. These IC's are very reasonable @ $100/M
The interconnect between a phono amp and a pre-amp doesn't have much impact. But if you are using a MC step-up transformer, the cable connecting the step-up and the pre-amp will change the loading of the MC cart due to the effect of the transformer.
Bean151: The subject of cabeling/interconnects , Cable A vs Cable B is exaustive and expensive. Exaustive because of the minute varations cable manufactures build into these products do change how we hear certian frequencies and expensive ... well just look at the cost new and used wire. No matter what the biz' guys show in the glossey pics under the covers is wire ...copper, silver and combos of metals plus a few other things that would make for several hundreds of words for explanation but not today. Some manufactures have been making their products in China and China has been making some great cabeling that on occasion becomes available at the big box discount houses for cents on a dollar. Recently, I picked up some excellent interconnects @ Ollies a discount company located in the middle eastern coastal states. The interconnect Acoustic Research/Master Series retailed for $40-60 per rail $80-120 per pair. I paid $16 per pair and use them between my transport & dac as well as my tuner. Deep soundstage refined detailed sound. My motto: Educate yourself as to what your needs are , understand that the interconnect you want may very well be awaiting discounted nearby.