Koetsu Urushi+SMEV anti skating setting help

Koetsu does not provide any recommendation on anti skating and as there is "rich" debate on methods: traditional AS=VTF, VDH's 1/3 formula, test records, WallySkater...I would really, really appreciate any help on this issue because, honestly, I am not ready to listen to buzzings or buying expensive "three times in a life" gauges.
Many thanks in advance for your help
Many thanks Genesis168
I have found your insight informative the most and with the rest of the opinions I am making my own considering there is an obsessive direction I am not going to follow; there are too many records waiting and time has to be used acordingly...
Agondgd - Setting the 'numbers' on the VTF and antiskating dials does not mean that the forces are equal. I think SME has designed the V so that when set that way, the anti-skating force is a percentage of the VTF, increasing as the arm moves toward the spindle. Good luck.
The Koetsu arm has no anti-skate, because its really a waste of time. It cant be set correctly. It is a dynamic force that increases and decreases with loudness and frequency. VPI too recomends no anti-skate.
Dear David,

Here is what has worked for me- you could use it as a starting point for your musical journey..

VTF= 1.95gr
AS= 1.875 (the'precision' of the AS figure should only be used as an approximation for dialling up the setting- if you look at the SME V AS dial you should be very clear what setting I mean).

I agree in theory with how relative an AS setting is. However I recalibrated my SMEV/Urushi a few times and I come back to the same figures.

A further useful bit of information: Urushi is not a good tracker and there is no way you could clear the third let alone the fourth bias setting tracks of Len Gregory's Analogue Test LP.

The SMEV/Urushi is a nice combo- enjoy!
Many thanks Kostas
This is the kind of answer I was expecting when starting this thread: the experience of a colleague showing me the way. I have been loving Koetsus for a long time but this is the kind of audio product pushing the user, providing no recommendations at all, towards the subjetive (and usually obsessive) setup school. Ok, many can say this is the core business of our hobby, or the basis to keep alive our endless open discussion: " if I like it...", I would say.