Question on Benz Trade-Ins

Hello All,
What is the "real deal" about trading in a Benz (Dead, or not) for another? One person over on a-karma claims that if you are not the original owner of the trade-in Benz Cartridge (Lets say a Glider), a Benz Dealer will not give you full trade-in value towards another Benz? Is this true?

Seems everybody selling a dead Benz here on agon claims trade-in value with thier dead Cartridge. What's the real scoop? Mark
I am on my second Benz L2. Actually third, if you count the one I foolishly sold to buy a Shelter. I liked it so much that I traded my last one + 500.00 in to Elusive Disc for a brand new one. Hey, I don't mind spending 500.00 for a new 1300.00 cartridge every few years.

Oz, which Shelter did you use? I have a Benz M2. It was recommended by the dealer when I bought my Michell Orbe SE & SME V. I later bought a Shelter 901. Liked it a lot better. When my son was born three years ago, I sold the 901 because I just wasn't listening to LPs that much. And I thought that I would buy a 90X when I travel to Asia. Well, the trip never materialized, and I ended up buying another 901. After I switched it back, again I thought the 901 sounded better than the M2.

The Benz trade in program was very good to me. It allowed me to move up the chain from a Glider to eventually an L2. However, I sold that L2 as part of a complete analog package and when I bought my new set-up went to a Dynavector. I haven't looked back.