low tracking force cartridge recommendations?

hey, i'm new here (and also relatively new to the audiophile analog world), so i could really use some advice on my "new" turntable, which will very likely end up being a Dual 1019. from all of my research and speaking with people, it would seem to me that Dual recommended using cartridges that have a low tracking force. my understanding of that is limited, but i do have some idea of what that means.

being my first turntable in many many years, i am not looking to spend a fortune on cartridges - i figured i could spend $100 to $200 at most, and have found many that fall into that price range. some have recommended an Ortofon Super OM 30 to me, others pointing towards a Shure M97 XE. the repair shop that is looking over the turntable was saying a decent Audio-Technica might just be the best route... there are so many choices that my head is spinning.

one thing i did learn is that i apparently should be using a Moving Magnet cartridge since I will be using this table through a Bellari VP129 pre-amp, which I also just purchased.

i will primarily be listening to jazz and old rock records on this unit on a not-particularly hi-fi setup, though having the tube preamp was important to me since i'd love to hear stuff through my Grado SR 125's.

so, knowing all of that, what sort of cartridges would you recommend? i'd be thrilled to find something for $50 that sounds good and won't harm my records, but as i said, would be willing to spend a bit more if that will get me something significantly better.

thank you!
Hello Tethead, My reasoning for buying a new Stylus for a older Shure, is that most likely, a used Shure V-15 Type II, III, or IV you find used will most likely have either/or a worn out Stylus, or shot Cantilever Suspension Components.

I have no idea what current prices people are getting for used Shure Type III on that famous auction site, and it wouldn;t surprise me if people are yanking in $100 for a Cartridge body minus Stylus.

On the other hand, my friend has lucked into many Shure Type III's, and IV's on mint Garage-Yard Sale Tables like Technics, Kenwoods, Pioneers for $15, and that's with the Shure Cartridge included.

I personally seen my one buddy once walk into a Thrift Shop, buy a shot turntable for $10, yank the Shure V-15 Type III off of it, and give them back the Table right then, and there.

There are good deals to be found if you're patient.
By replacing Stylus, and the Body is sound, you'll be up and running for many years to come at a relatively low cost for a fine Cartridge. My honest opinion about the V-15 Type III? If they made it today brand new, Shure would be charging $600 for it. And people would be buying it as well. Mark
@Markd51: thanks for clarifying. yeah, on that famous auction web doohickey, i'm finding no empty or worn cartridges - only ones that have already had a new stylus put in, a VN35? so i'd be paying close to $240 for something that is NOT a Jico SAS Stylus... any idea about the VN35? there seem to be standard ones and those with hyper-elliptical needles. are there advantages or disadvantages to HE vs non-HE? i was reading about the anti-skating settings on my unit and it seems that i have to take that sort of thing into account when calibrating everything.

would I be much worse off with, say, a Shure M97 XE? People do seem to like those, and they are at least newer and significantly less expensive. Just wondering if you've ever tried that model, and how it might compare to the older cartridges.

I appreciate your suggestions!
Hi,put a new denon in it.Or a $150-200 audio technia you should be all set.They is nothing wrong with these brands in the 150-200 range.Just don't buy the denon 103 you will need a step up transformer.GREAT cartridge though!!KP
@ Beragamo: thanks for the advice. which specific models would you recommend? i suppose i am looking for something with a recommended tracking force of 0.5-1.5g, 2g max.
I wouldn't waste time searching out discontinued Shure cartridges and aftermarket parts. For less money and a ready, supported, current supply, I'd go for the Audio Technica AT150MLX, which has a near-identical stylus as the last Shure VM series, and can be had new w/warranty from LP Gear for about $260. From everything I've read, the AT150MLx beats the Shure for dynamics, speed, tracking, linearity, and overall sound quality.