If you want less hassle, get a boom-box. Extremely convenient. All you need in a stereo system in one box. I've heard that they even come with a remote. Some of them have detachable speakers, so you can expand the soundstage all you want at any time. Very hassle free. And the sound? Very boomy (hence the name), just like your neighbor likes it. What about black backgrounds, silky highs and tight bottom octaves? All in there, in the box.
Now, it you want every listening experience to be priceless, get a nice turntable and buy just new records. Only a good concert hall and a middle seat can match the listening experience of a well set up turntable.
I think we've become a very accommodated society and we usually end up paying big bucks for convenience, not quality. Most of my purchases are delivered to my door, so I feel that a little bit of exercise while turning the record over is good for my health.