I have heard the AMR a number of times and it would seem to me Downunder's story is a perfect illustration of dealers (or indeed representatives at shows) not always taking the necessary care to show the gear at its best. In fairness to dealers, it is of course not really possible to build perfect systems around every single component they have in their product range. Especially the observation that the PH-77 was "more mechanical", is a smoking gun, though (no AMR gear sounds mechanical or at least it shouldn't).
The first time, I heard the PH-77 was in a system with a Montegiro Legno table (don't recall the cart), AM-77 amp, Marten Coltrane Momento and Jorma cable loom and it sounded, well, "merely" very good. The most recent session was a system with Dr. Feickert Woodpecker with Lyra cart, AMR-77, Kiso HB1 monitors and selected cabling built by ... Thomas Fast, and that is precisely where the difference lies! Thomas is one of those people that will go any length to ensure the gear he presents can go to the "beauty contest". Matter of fact, Downunder's description of the ARC's virtues will then fit perfectly to the AMR.
Moral of the story: our own system will be decisive in the end.
Btw: in a much more affordable price bracket (EUR 2k), I hope to hear the B.M.C. Phono MCCI soon, supposed to be a dramatic overachiever. Anyone heard it yet?