VPI Scoutmaster platter/bearing install

I'm a new owner of a Scoutmaster and it arrived with the platter separate from the bearing (I assume bearing assembly, a 3" dia steel assembly that obviously fits within the center of the platter and has the threaded center spindle).

The fit of these 2 units is extremely tight and does not slide in easily. I mate them together and it seems as it needs to be tapped or possibly pressed in? Do I just need to exert a little more force?

VPI is currently closed (past 2 weeks) and I'd love to get this TT set up this afternoon.

Can anyone offer any advice on this?

I'm pretty sure there's lithium already packed in the platter. VPI always puts a shot in the hole and tapes over the covering before shipping.
VPI has a SuperGrease which should be used. It comes in what looks like a white hypodermic needle..if you didnt get it in your setup, ask VPI for some.
OK, now I *know* I'm good (I wasn't previously). I tapped the asssembly out of the platter, put a dab of white lithium grease around the perimeter of the bearing assembly. It slid in with nothing more than my palm and *finally* seated it in the platter as it should be.

I've got the platter on, motor and belt hooked up. I mounted a temporary cartridge and set the alignment and tracking force.

Now I'm in the process of setting the arm height but it seems the damn ht. adjustment set screws are very tight. The supplied wrench twists as I try to loosen them so I stop. The arm is currently so high the cueing mech. doesn't engage. The set screws I'm after are right above the adjustable height adjustment knurled ring.

I'm assuming I need the arm pretty much horizontal when it's on the LP, correct? Once that's set, I've got to verify/set the azimuth and I'll be up and running.

thanks fo reveryones help. please don't stop now, I'm *almost* there... :-)
no they set screws you want are below the knurled ring at the arm base, one the right side and one in the rear
Do you have the 9 inch VPI arm that normally comes with the turntable? If so, there are 2 allen screws at the base of the arm...one in front and one in back. You will also notice a Knurled thumb screw that encircles the entire tonearm pillar. When you release the 2 allen screws, the arm will fall onto that knurled thumb screw - so make sure that the thumb screw is screwed to rest against the bottom of the tonearm shaft. Once those allen screws are loose, you raise or lower the whole arm by turning that knurled thumb screw. When you have the arm horizontal, then you can adjust the cueing. (Don't tighten those allen screws yet. The arm is now resting on that big knurled thumb screw. The cueing piston assembly is held in place by an allen screw to the right of the piston. Loosten the screw and the piston might just drop so hold it with your left thumb and forefinger. When confident, raise or lower the whole piston which will take the cueing assemply with it...when you have found the optimum position, tighten the fixing allen screw. The table is now in a condition to play a record if you installed the cartridge correctly. That knurled thumb screw will now serve to adjust the vta...turning the screw will raise or lower the back end of the arm. You can do this while playing a record if you do it carefully. When the correct VTA is dialed in, tighten the 2 allen screws - one on the right of the base, one in the back. If you need further clarification - ask.