What is the BEST phono stage

I own a manley steelhead, & am wondering which phono pre amps are better. I plan on keeping the manley for my current system. My new system will be Basis diamond vacuum hold table, Graham phantom arm, Dynavector XV1S, Mcintosh C2200 tube preamp,pair of MC2000 tube amps, Klipsch Khorn,modded w/ xtreme slope ALK crossovers,and Trachorn. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Have you heard the Kondo MM phono stage with the Kondo transformer?

Yes, I did listen to it with a Kondo M7 Phono, too.

You have got me intrieged about the sound of the Lamm LP2 with Kondo SFz.

Could you elaborate on its sound?.
ie classic tube- rich and vibrant, a bit cooler? given the Lamm MM stage doing the first step of amplification.

Does the Kondo SFz give enough flexibility for most of your cartridges?
Buying a 2nd hand LP2 is certainly a lot more economical than the Kondo M7 phono.

Tjnif, have you by chance compared the Tron with the Evan Grooves ?
Would be curious to find out what the difference the two is.