New TT/cart question

I just hooked up, finally, a new Music Hall MMF7.1 with the stock Goldring Eroica high output moving coil cartridge. Here's my question. In previous years of TT use, I never could hear the music from the cartridge. I can hear the music playing from the cartridge when I turn the volume down. Is this normal with this cartridge, or is there a problem, ie VTF, etc? Most all my past experience has been with Shure carts.

Any advice/ideas welcome.
I have a music hall MMF-2.2 which does the same thing. With the factory set goldring cartridge I could hear music coming from the cartridge, often quite loudly. I was told that this is normal. I didn't find that adjusting VTF or realigning the cartridge helped at all. I recently changed to a shure m97xe and the 'problem' pretty much disappeared. I can still hear a little bit if I put my ear very close to the cartridge. I think this is a characteristic of goldring cartridges. They seem ring/resonate. I notice this on a friends rega arm/goldring cart setup also.
Thanks all. Here's a new question. The setup only has about 15hrs on it so far, but it seems that the left channel is more dominant. Could this be from improper azimuth adjustment? Should I give the cart more break-in time before I start adjusting things?

For what it's worth, here is the setup:

Music Hall MMF-7.1
Pro-Ject Tube Box SEII
Primaluna Prologue II
Proac D15's

and, last, but not least......
Sony Discman........
Could be azimuth. It could also be a tube issue either with the Pro-Ject or the Primaluna. Also, check that all the drivers are working in your Proacs by putting your ear close to each one with music playing.
Pied, All the drivers in the Proac's are working just fine. The tubes in the PL have just been replaced with quad matched SED winged C KT88's. Had a tube go bad on me.... I've changed the tubes in the Pro-ject with some Mullards that the previous owner of the PL had. Sounds much smoother than the stock tubes. The cdp, yeah, I know...., still a work in progress, sound is balanced. If I were to swap the cables at the tt, the right side should be more dominant if it's a tt/cart issue. If it stays the same, then it would be downstream, correct?

I know these things are setup at the factory, but...... how well are they really tweaked in? My guess is not very...