Denon 103r ????

I have made some improvement to my 103r, but am still getting tonal imbalance with this cartridge.
It's too bright and edgy on some recordings!
At times it sounds incredible, excellent imaging and sound stage.
What do I do though to tame down the brightness. Change the tracking force a bit or tracking angle, change the loading, impedence or capacitance. Add more tonearm bearing fluid or remove?
Dump the Graham and get a SME 3012 S2.....U are matching the wrong arm to a wonderful cartridge.
What tracking force & loading are you using currently? Damping fluid would be easy to experiment with but I'd be inclined to max it out and try that.

Huge improvements can be obtained by contacting Uwe through audioasylum and purchasing a wood body compatible with your arm. IMO, tracking force should be around 2.6 grams (possibly a bit more in your situation?) and the cartridge should be loaded at not more than 40 ohms. My Aqvox phono stage "automatically" loads in the current mode and probably loads well under that. Sounds absolutely superb in a Premier FT-3 with the fluid damping fully engaged.
Pedrillo, the std DL103R is a edgy and harsh. A world class arm like the Graham will expose that.

Remember, you have $300 cart on a $3500 tonearm.

The big problem with the DL103 and DL103R is the very cheap plastic body that resonates. Once you get rid of the body you will be very surprised how well it sounds.

Hdm advice on the body that Uwe sells is very good.

Dear Pedrillo: +++++ " What do I do though ...?...."+++++

Who told you that you can have a stellar quality sound reproduction performance from this cartridge?

IMHO this cartridge was/is over-rated and IMHO too over-priced. There are several cartridges in the low 100.00-200.00 range even lower than 100.00 that beat it easy. Please read the Pauly post carefully.

Yes, I know that there are a lot of people that think different about and I respect to all of them and their opinion and if they are happy with that that is fine for me: enjoy it.

Pedrillo, make you a favor and try any of these cartridges: Sumiko Pearl, Ortofon FF15 XEMK2, Shure M97Xe, etc, etc

Regards and enjoy the music.
I thank you all very much!!
I heed your advice and will post my future changes.
Thank you again for putting up with my questions, I hope I can offer good advice in return some day.
But for now all I can contribute is some silly humor.