Cartridge upgrade for VPI Scoutmaster

Hello All!
I have a VPI Scoutmaster with a Dynavector 20XH. My phonostage, pre amp, and amps are all Pass Labs. IC cables are Harmonic Technology Magic, and speaker cables are Harmonic Technology Magic Tweeter and Pro-9+ in a bi-wired configuration. VSA speakers. My stereo goal- realism.
I have two questions I was hoping to get help with.
1. What would be a great low to medium output cart for my set-up? 2K or less. And why.
2.How risky is it to buy a used cart. Is it worth the $ saved?
Thanks for your input!

I have noticed in a few of your posts that you are not a fan of the JMW-9 arm. Do you think any more highly of the JMW-9 Signature?
The airy 3 comes in both .24mv and .48mv, I am not sure about a .34mv version as mentioned in the original response post. The airy 3 is a very nice cartridge if you have a good matching phono.
I have direct experience with the JMW-9 but not the Signature. If the mechanics remain unchanged and the only difference is Nordost Valhalla wire (yuk) then I have the same opinion.

Which is, a serviceable arm that has resonance issues and will track most low to mid priced cartridges fine. However, it will not even come close to optimizing some of the finer cartridges discussed in the forum. In all fairness, there are other tonearms that won't either.

IMO, VPI builds superb turntables and average tonearms.
They build loosely coherent tables that will satisfy for awhile but really don't address many TT issues and the build average tonearms. Unipivots break cartridges easily.

Not to put VPI down, they do what they do. Ever wonder though why they have such an aggressive upgrade program? Ever wonder how an elastic band can keep consistent speed stability?

Oh well these issues are beyond the premise of this thread. Enjoy your VPI and let us know what upgrade you decide. plenty of fine input here should lead to greater sonic fulfillment!

Thank you for your input. I have decided to get an Zyx Airy 3. It is on its way and should be here by 12-3-08! I bought used from a reputable 'Goner. Will post after set-up.