Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...

...that is the only mod you purchase for a technics 1210? My setup will consist of a 3" maple platform with brass footers replacing the existing ones. I really don't think I could do the rewire myself, and I don't really want to send my turntable into KAB. With just the purchase of the damper would this rig be able to get the most out of higher end cartridges?--Cheers
Has anyone tried using the threaded Megafoot instead of the Heavyfoot? Is it worth the additional cost?
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I just got the KAB Fluid Damper 2 days ago. I am using the Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge which is not particularly finicky, nor is it a naturally great tracker.

In my case, the fluid damping is a major, major improvement in performance. Spitty sibilants have been all but eliminated, and hard-to-track vocals no longer seem to present a challenge to the cart.

I have a thread in which I've posted before and after needle-drops. I'm posting the fluid-damped samples as I type this. You can download them here.
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07-20-08: Tvad
I just received a MintLP Best Tractor and set up my cartridge.

I can say without question that this protractor has resulted in the best sound I have heard from my Technics SL1200 MK2.
Tvad, thanks for the intriguing post. I have a couple of questions.

1. The SL12x0 series is often accused of having a narrow stereo image, with a soundstage width limited to the speaker locations. Did re-setting the alignment change the stereo image, and how?

2. Did you already get rid of that AT150MLX? Did improved alignment affect vocal sibilants and surface noise?