VPI anti-skate device

I have a VPI scoutmaster wtih JMW9 tonearm. I purchased the add-on anti-skate device and I am having trouble setting it up. I installed it according to the directions I found here: http://www.elusivedisc.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HW-JMW1015

However the device is is interfering with the full rotation of the tone arm. The left side protrusion of the tone arm hits the anti skate device. Can some one with a JMW9 and the antiskate device take a picture of their set up and email it to me so I can see what I'm doing wrong?

I have the black junction box. I think I got it figured out. The pictures shown on the website show the device coming out perpendicular to the tonearm. I had to angle it a bit to make sure the tone arm clears the device when tracking a record.

I would recommend you return the thing and go back to the wire twist for anti-skate. There are multiple issues (problems) with the design and you will frustrate yourself needlessly while failing to obtain better sound. I played with mine for about a month and finally decided it was one of the most poorly designed add ons I'd ever come across.
No Dodgealum..wrong advice. Although the twist method may be correct when new, eventually the wire looses its tension. To be truthful, Harry likes no anti-skate at all, however, I have found the VPI device audibly helpful. I had the 9 Sig, and now have exchanged it for the 10.5i which because it's longer, should have less need for anti=skate..and yet... Notice Arnold the the device should be adjusted. The unit has many adjustments to provide optimum Anti=Skate. Don't just put it on..adjust it to its optimum
Steve I have a Scoutmaster with the add on device which I have yet to use, as Stringreen has stated the wire will wear out that is when I will start to use the add on anti-skate device.
Hmm. The wire will loose it's tension. Nope. Now, let's deal with the devise in question. The weight Harry has chosen to use is far too heavy for the application and therefore does not allow for the fine adjustment of anti-skate as needed in this application. Just try sliding the weight up and down the shaft to see what I mean. Also, the string which provides the tension is the incorrect length and therefore does not provide proper anti-skate tension throughout the arm travel and has a tendency to flop the whole assembly over when the arm goes into the lead out grooves. I experimented with several different lengths to no avail. (Basically, there is no "correct" length for the string line) Listen, I went all over the map on this thing until I finally got an admission from someone at VPI that the thing was useless and that the wire twist is the preferred (though flawed) means of applying anti-skate force (which is itself an ambiguous phenomenon) to the JMW9 tonearm.