Vinyl Frontend/Linn LP12 Question

Hi Everyone:

I am contemplating an upgrade of my vinyl frontend and could use some advice--particularly from users of Linn system analogue. I'm currently running a VPI Scout/JMW-9/Dynavector 20XM through a ARC SP-16. In approaching a new setup, I want to think systemically--putting together a vinyl playback system where table/arm/cartridge AND phono preamp work synergistically. My goal is to improve vinyl playback across the board--particularly dynamics, detail and soundstaging. (I've recently added an Esoteric X-03Se to my system and my digital front end now vastly outperforms my vinyl playback).

I've got a few tables in mind, including the DPS, Rega, Kuzmi and the Linn Sondek. Here is one scenario: Go with an LP12/Lingo/Linto (arm and cartridge to be from Linn but not sure which yet). I'd replace the SP-16 with an LS-26 and run the front end combo through the latter. Some questions:

How does a modern LP 12 (Cirkus/Keel/Trampoline/Lingo) compare with some of the top vinyl playback out there right now? I used to own an LP12/Akito/K-9 many years ago and liked it but grew weary of the setup requirements and moved on. Does a fully upgraded LP12 compare favorable with some of the better systems out there or is it an antiquated system that has been refined but falls far short of "state of the art"?

Which of the available upgrades are worth considering? Which are really mandatory?

How many LP12 users also run the Linn phonostage (Linto)? Is this the best way to go or would I be better off with, say, a PH-5 from ARC?

Thanks for the advice and assistance. The rest of the system is an ARC 150.2, Daedalus DA-1.1 Speakers and Empirical Design cables.
Great dynamics comes with weight and non-suspended designs.

I second Tobias choice of TTs - with a preference for the Galibier/Teres/Scheu/Redpoint/Acoustic Signature range.

Arm/cart/phono has to be considered as a whole. Arm/cart for resonant freq and cart/phono for sufficient gain. Here your budget will play a major role.
The reason I chose the Avid was for its ability to have the bass weight and dynamics of a non-suspended design but the depth and dimension of a suspended design (which it is).

I am a 20+year Linn LP12 owner. I have gone through all the upgrades during that time (Tramplolin, Lingo, etc.) and used the full range of Linn & Naim arms and cartridges as well as other cartridges.

When Linn announced the Keel upgrade I decided to check out other tables before making this expensive commitment. The fully loaded LP12 is now at a price point where it is competing with other state of the art modern designs (in addition to other established and still viable technologies). Additionally, the Linn is not the easiest to set up and keep optimized. It definitely helps to have a local expert.

I would definitely look at Teres, Avid, DPS, Galibier, Grand Prix, Redpoint, Clearaudio, SME and the Raven before making a decision. You will be able to find a lot of valuable insight in these discussion forums. After auditioning all of the above, in the end, it wasn't really that hard of a decision for me to move away from the Linn.

I am currently awaiting delivery of a new Galibier Stelvio which I will run with a Triplanar arm and Dynavector XV1-S cartridge.

Good luck!
Hey everyone--thanks for the helpful advice. I am somewhat limited in which tables I can consider since (aside from budgetary restraints) I need to place the table on a Target shelf which is housed within our entertainment center (you can see the set up pretty well by clicking on my system). Thus, I cannot really use a table that is either too tall or too heavy, ruling out some of the choices mentioned here. Jazdoc--your experience is very helpful since you have been there and done that with the Linn and decided to go elsewhere. I think the current exchange rate is really putting many European products out of reach (sadly, including the DPS) and it may turn out I end up moving up the VPI chain. However, I am open to further suggestions should anyone care to share.

Thanks again.
If you are constrained by the entertainment centre, then consider the Clearaudio Performance TT with the ceramic magnetic bearing - which basically floats the platter. Another forumer, Cytocycle, reported good results with the bigger Ambient (upgraded with the magnetic bearing).

He's on this thread.