K&K Phono

Hi all,
I am thinking about assembling the K&K Phono pre (Basic version with stepups) and am wondering if anyone has had any experience with their phono stages. I am wondering what, if any, improvements I could look forward to over my Lehmann black cube.
I've not used the Lehmann black cube, so I cannot comment on it. I own a kandk using the 6n1p tube and I really enjoy it. I feel it is a great value and Kevin is very helpful. I used to own a modified EAR834P and the KandK phono stage is much, much better in my setup. I feel it is at least comparable to my friend's rhea in quality - of course it is a different flavor. Highly recommended.
Thanks for that...sounds like it was up against pretty good competition :)
Any thoughts on what its strengths are?
I have owned one for several years. It is phenomenal.
Get one and never look back.
I have to imagine you would have to spend many multiples of its asking price for any real improvement.