K&K Phono

Hi all,
I am thinking about assembling the K&K Phono pre (Basic version with stepups) and am wondering if anyone has had any experience with their phono stages. I am wondering what, if any, improvements I could look forward to over my Lehmann black cube.
I've not used the Lehmann black cube, so I cannot comment on it. I own a kandk using the 6n1p tube and I really enjoy it. I feel it is a great value and Kevin is very helpful. I used to own a modified EAR834P and the KandK phono stage is much, much better in my setup. I feel it is at least comparable to my friend's rhea in quality - of course it is a different flavor. Highly recommended.
Thanks for that...sounds like it was up against pretty good competition :)
Any thoughts on what its strengths are?
I have owned one for several years. It is phenomenal.
Get one and never look back.
I have to imagine you would have to spend many multiples of its asking price for any real improvement.
The best attribute of the K&K is that it is extremely quiet. The SE version which I had exhibited exceptional bass and was very clear on the top end. Not lush IMO, but leaning more towards the neutral side. If you get the version that allows you to roll tubes you have the benefit of tailoring the sound somewhat, although I believe the 6N1P is the best tube to use in it.