Thanks to Raul.

Just wanted to say thanks on all your feedback. It is appreciated.
Raul is a great source of information. His advice lead me to try MM cartridges, one of which I hope to hear this week which is my B&O MMC 2. Raul mentions this cartridge in his threads and it happened that I found one NIB in storage that I originally purchased for an RX-2 table (which I also found in storage). I just mounted it today using the Soundsmith adapter on my Micro Seiki MA-505. Unfortunately I broke an already flimsy headshell lead so I have to wait on a replacement before I finish setting everything up. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the suspension hasn't rendered the cartridge unusable as it sure looks like a low rider when it hits the LP.

LPGear happens to be in Henderson, NV about 20 minutes from Las Vegas. They have a Nagaoka MP-500 and AT150MLX that I'm going to look into as well based on Raul's recommendations. Should be a fun summer.
Dear Radrog: Good move, specially the Goldfinger!!! well the IO too: congratulations for that!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul and I have had some good meaty discussions over the years. I may not have always agreed with him, however I have always learnt things from Raul and many other good folks here on audiogon.

Me I am going to take a leaf out of Raul's book and get a tonearm with detachable headshell and try some cheaper cartridges.

Raul, what are the Jelco arms like, especially this one - see link. I believe Jelco make the Ortofon arms??
Dear Downunder: It is curious that you ask for jelco because last week I heard an audio system where was mounted a Jelco tonearm along an Ortofon jubilee cartridge. That system was not a top priced one but a " modest " one and I have to say that sounds very good.

I know about Jelco for some years now and I owned an Audioquest tonearm that I don't have serious compliants about it. Jelco is an OEM supplier with very good quality control so I don't see any issue if you go for it.

Btw, I can't say if the new Ortofon tonearms were made by Jelco or if the Graham ones too, what I know is that Jelco made/make the ones for Audioquest, its own Jelco and the one that you named at the link.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have learned one thing. I am using the Goldfinger on a 10" JMW. It just proves how important the cart is. The arm will not be upgraded in a long time (maybe never). I am getting anxious for the IO now.