MC phono stage without transformer?

A newbie question:

I read a lot of 'reservation' about using an external MC step up transformer to increase the gain of an MM phono stage. But as I searched around for MC phono stages, I noticed that a lot of these actually have internal step-up transformers, some of these transformers are exactly the same as what some people used to make their external step-up.

So if transformer is no good, I should really be looking for an MC phono without the tranformer? Do these exist though?
Im sure someone here can recommend a trannie that works well with a Skala. Theres a guy on ebay called capn bob that builds suts with a variety of different transformers you might contact him and see what he offers. The tricky part is getting the loading right as to some degree its up to your ears to decide what load sounds best.Its worth spending the time to find a good match as when its done right your cartridge can really come to life. Of course you could just get a manly pre and dial it in to your hearts content.
I would urge you to give Kevin a call at K&K.
The latest Lundhall offering LL1931 he carries is exceptional and some feel it surpasses the S&B based Bent. $400 a pair.

I believe Dave Slagle is supplying the new magnetics for the Bent. I've been using Dave's autoformer volume controls for a while now, and they are extremely good.


I don't get how it is best to avoid load resistors but apparently ok to use a zobel that adds both resistance and capacitance? Seems counter-intuitive to me. Or, are we talking about the pre-amp side?
As Atmasphere pointed out, there are certain inherent limitations of transformers. But, that is true of ANY means used to amply the signal of a low output MC cartridge. If an additional active stage is needed, that too, has its problems. Unlike a transformer, any active stage will increase noise. It is easier to control noise with solid state devices, but, solid state has a particular sonic signature that some may prefer to avoid.

My own preference is for tube-based phono stages. However, that usually means an extra stage of amplification over an MM phonostage or the use of a transformer. Part of the problem with transformers is that they need to be carefully matched to the particular cartridge to work their best.

The other "problem" is that really good transformers are NOT CHEAP. I've heard great sound from Audionote (uk) and Kondo stages that had breathtakingly expensive transformers in them. I heard homemade units with the Audionote transformers that were also terrific. Another transformer that sounded good to me is the Jensen. My own phono stage (Viva Fono) has a transformer in it, but I don't recall its provenance.