correct zerostat technique

I have the Zerostat 3 and was always surprised at the lack of instruction supplied with it. I constantly wonder how to most effectively use it. In the past, a search of the archives turned up a tiangle technique. Basically, squeeze and release at the three points of an imaginary equilateral triangle ~1 foot over the record surface followed by one squeeze(no release) over the center. In max AC season here in Iowa this doesn't seem to be real effective and sometimes I wonder if I'm actually adding charge to the vinyl. Does anyone have a different technique to recommend? Would I have more luck with the Talisman or Furutech destat?(Both of which seem pricey)
If you have a record that you can tell has a static charge, slowly squeeze the lever only, then release away from the record. I kind of squeeze and wave it around the record. Since going to wet vacuuming machines I have had a much marked decline in need to de-stat a record. only use occasionally now.
I've used a Zerostat off and on for years and have always wondered whether sometimes I was adding as much charge as I was eliminating. But, with a record that is clearly static charged, the Zerostat always has reduced the charge. My technique has been to gradually squeeze, then gradually release, the lever while rotating the nozzle across the surface of the LP in a circular pattern. Seems to work. OTOH, I now rely on the Talisman (which gives other audible benefits) and never use the Zerostat.
S-L-O-W-L-Y squeeze and then S-L-O-W-L-Y release, while aiming the gun at the LP and moving it around to cover the whole surface. If you hear/feel the Zerostat 'clicking', you're squeezing or releasing too fast.
Concur with Xiekitchen, release away from record, also as dougdeacon, slowly press and release, no click. I would think you use it this way because pressing lever is creating one charge, releasing is opposite, both pressing and releasing pointing at record is going back to original state of charge. Perhaps I'm wrong, seems someone here would have definitive answer. I have similar results since RCM, very rarely have to use it anymore.
I agree with Dougdeacon. The instructions that came with the unit I had in the late '70s said exactly that. The idea is to charge the object when pulling the trigger and neutralize that charge with an equal amount of opposite polarity charge when releasing it. The click heard when pulling the trigger too fast is likely a rapid discharge of ions. This would create unequal amounts of charge that normally would occur, resulting in charging the record.

This is a manual, less sophisticated method than the ION Systems ceiling emitters I work with in a cleanroom. Their output alternates between positive and negative ions. The units can be adjusted for output level and frequency of the cycles. Our goal is to discharge a 1kV charged object within 10 seconds at the workbench level and within 30 seconds anywhere in the room. We verify this every 3 months.

I also agree with Sns and Xiekitchen that using a wet vacuum cleaning machine markedly reduces the amount of static build-up on LPs.

Relax, have a Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye and listen to some Dixie Dregs...