
I'm looking to up grade (change) my NAD 7155. I have epos M5 speakers (sometimes I use the Silverline Minuets). Any suggests as for a good receiver. I listen to rock, blues etc.. I'm to Used and New stuff.

I'm on a fixed income.

Another way to approach this, is to ask what would be a dynamite receiver for EPOS m5 and Silverline Minuets perhaps even Paradigm Studio 20's ?
Rotel has alot of choices. Very good build quality, easily available on audiogon or e-bay.
NAD went through several phases. They sold to company and produced very mainstream units for a while. Then it changed again, maybe more than once. The pieces that I remember as having the quintessential NAD sound were from the late 80's. I had their 75 watt reciever and LOVED it.
I tested several high end receivers Denon, Sony, Pioneer, and Yamaha and I guarantee that the Denon is the best in sound and performance that outshine the other companies.
