Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$

Hey guys,

I am about to plunge for a used Berkeley DAC Alpha Series 1 that will set me back by $2200.

I have heard it in comparison with Benchmark and there is no comparison. I did A/B test it with the Series 2, but did not think the difference was worth paying 3000$ extra.

However before taking the plunge I was wondering if there are any other DACs < 2.5K that might beat the Series 1 (its pretty old).

There are so many DACs and so little time so thought someone hear might be able to help. Am I making a big mistake overlooking the new kids on the block (QuteHD or Yamamoto) that might outperform the venerable Berkeley Alpha Series 1.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.
There's a Bel Canto DAC3.5VB for sale here. A bit more expensive than the Berkeley you're looking at, but comes with its own "Virtual Battery" power supply that really takes things to another level. I had the 3.0 and 3.0VB in my system for a demo and the VB version was significantly better. I think there's a new review of it on Soundstage or Ultra Audio or something.

Sabai, where does the NAD improve over the Berkeley? Just curious what you found.
Thanks for your response guys.

I get the feeling maybe I should spend some time looking at other alternatives.

Sabai, your comment is very interesting, since I am about to receive a NAD M51 on a 60 day trial though I won't be able to directly compare it to Berkeley Series 1.

Charles1Dad, your post about Yamamoto from sometime back made me mention Yamamoto in my post, I do not know if there is any dealer near San Francisco for Yamamoto.

Mytek was also on my shortlist, I think they allow home trial.

Audioracle, how do I audition or home-audition an Auralic.
The American distributor for Yamamoto is Ratoc they're in Santa Clara, CA. I've read very good things about the Auralic DAC and I know it has more features and flexibility. When it comes to pure sound quality the Yamamoto will compete with the very best.
Any new dac I would buy would have to include DSD playback. There are a lot of small recording studios starting to produce some very nice recordings in DSD. I am thrilled with my Auralic Vega and a lot of audiophiles like the Mytec. The Computer Audiophile site is great for info.
Soix and Essrand,

I have owned a lot of DACs. Most are overrated -- and overpriced. Harley makes you think you died and went to heaven with the Berkeley series 1. Don't believe everything you read. Reading between the lines is very useful. But letting your ears be the judge is the most important thing, of course.

The NAD M51 is a sleeper -- very much under the radar, IMO. It easily beats a lot of higher priced DACs. It beats the Berkeley in sheer musicality. If you want to break it down into parameters then that includes detail/definition, tonality, transparency, dynamics, sound stage and imaging. But you do need to get your cabling right. The sound can vary greatly depending on the cables you use. One might ascribe certain attributes to a component that actually belong to the cables that are attached to that component.