Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
R3w200 : It appears you have found not just a replacement but a upgrade to most other steam cleaners. I believe the variable steam control could bring LP steam cleaning to a new level , the continious refil of water is another bonus. R3w200, you may be on to something. Now for some R&D, namely buying a unit and putting it thru the drill.
I referenced the McCulloch in my post on 1-15-09 as a possible contender. FWIW, Home Depot has them for less. I am also interested in how this unit performs.

Do your duty, R3w2000, go get one of those suckers and tell us about it!
I picked up the "Living Solutions" steamer at WalGreens today. FWIW, the manager said it IS the Perfection with new packaging. Seems to work great, plenty of steam. I cleaned about 7 LP's before sitting to listen with no problems. Steam works great w/VPI 16.5. Thanks all for your post on this subject. Listening to a leaner ,cleaner "The Wall" right now!
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