Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I picked up the "Living Solutions" steamer at WalGreens today. FWIW, the manager said it IS the Perfection with new packaging. Seems to work great, plenty of steam. I cleaned about 7 LP's before sitting to listen with no problems. Steam works great w/VPI 16.5. Thanks all for your post on this subject. Listening to a leaner ,cleaner "The Wall" right now!
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R3w2000: Thanks to you , I purchased a Mc1235 on-line at the Home Depot for $49.85 ; that price includes the price of the Mc 1235 , shipping & taxes. Home Depot indicates they have forwarded the unit by USPS. More on the Mc 1235 later.

I refuse to wade into the "lead" issue again but do offer this suggestion. The Home Depot sells lead detection kits.

The "Lead Check" contains two short "pencil" detectors with brushes that detects lead on surface home surfaces ; appliances , electrical cords , etc. For those that have the interest buy the kit.

I found the lead kit to be educational , almost as educational as a device I now use to determine if "live" electrical current is present in the walls and appliances.

For me it was vindication of my published position regarding some steaming units but moreover I was surprised to learn how many places lead can be present in a home.