Ultimate Idler Drive

I own several idler drive turntables-Garrard 301,401,501. Presto T-16, Thorens TD124 MkII, Rek-O-Kut L34.I own several DD too-TEAC TN 400, Technics SP10MKII, Monaco Grand Prix. I have to say though I heard the Saskia Idler drive TT at Oswalds Mill Audio the other day. Well if you havn't heard it you must. It furthers the art of turntable design beyond your imagination. I don't know many details, but I do know if you want rock solid music flowing from your speakers, so Louis Armstrong is actually sat about 12 feet away from you in your living room, this TT with an LP like "Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington For The First Time"|is the only way to go!
Maybe Jonathan Weiss, or the Winn Tinnon can tell us more details.
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As the person responsible for both OMA (Oswaldsmill Audio) and the events there (the Oswaldsmill Tube and Speaker Tastings, which are chronicled on our website) I should point out that we will soon be launching a slate plinth system for the Lenco tables, which will no doubt elevate them to a whole new level of performance. Nonetheless, comparing a Lenco or a Thorens TD124 to the Saskia idler wheel deck, with its state of the art true three phase regenerative AC motor controller, 200 pound solid slate chassis, and patent pending idler mechanism, is like comparing a vintage Porsche or Ferrari to something Schumacher might drive in a contemporary Forumla One race.

Jonathan Weiss
Unfortunate metaphor, JW. Having once owned a beautifully restored Porsche 550RS Spyder, I would choose it over Schumacher's race car any time, but I guess I know what you mean, and I do agree with your basic sentiment.

Robyatt, I would be interested to know how you rank your various idlers and dd tables against each other.
Lew & Jonathan,

Not sure how either car would do in the twisties of an LP, and a boring drive at speed limit of 33 1/3. But stylish to the extreme.
first the Louis Armstrong was the re- issue! I know my Garrard 501 out performs all my other tables. However direct comparison
With the Grand Pric Monaco revealed a slight coloration in the vocals. Having heard what slate can do on Saskia I have ordered a custom slate plinth from OMA for the 501. Then we can do direct comparison with my SP10 MkII in an OMA slate double plinth, the Saskia and the 501!
The mounting of any great turntable I am convinced to realize it's true potential must be mounted in slate!! Ply, glass, steel and Panzerholz all have tonal colorations I have found. The slate just allows the idler or DD to do it's best.
FYI I will use an RS Labs Tonearm with the Ortofon Per Winfield on all the tables. After trying all the well know highend arms I have found this quirky arm to outperform them all. As for the PW there is no competition.
I have high hopes for the 501/Slate/RS/PW, but if the Saskia is better as I suspect it will be, I will put my name down for one.